Train 1-second from CRUSHING wheelchair man…Police react like heroes (Video)

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Can you say “Hero”…meet Officer Erica Urrea.
Police press release:
Lodi, California — Lodi Police released body camera video footage of an officer pulling a man in a wheelchair from train tracks seconds before an on-coming Train passes. On 08/12/2020 at around 8:44 AM, Officer Erica Urrea was in the area of Lodi Ave and the railroad tracks when she saw a male in a wheelchair who appeared to be stuck on the tracks. She noticed that the railroad crossing arms started to come down and saw that a train was approaching. She immediately exited her patrol vehicle and began running towards the male. As the train was reaching them, she was able to pull the male out of the wheelchair and they both fell back onto the ground. The male suffered a leg injury that was tended to immediately by Officer Delgado (who had arrived to assist) and Officer Urrea. The 66-year-old male was ultimately transported to a local hospital for medical treatment.
Source: YouTube by “PoliceActivity

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