Perfect couple with a baby Or toddler in tow costumes to win your block party this Halloween (42 Photos)
Genius 5-year-old tricks adults in the best way (5 Photos)
Children are little sponges that soak up everything they see and hear. Sometimes they will surprise you with how incredibly smart they are.
Over-protective mom finds daughter’s “drugs” and a perfect exchange takes place (5 Photos)
What began as a simple text exchange between a mother and daughter, got escalated in a hurry after the mom found some suspicious looking pills in her girl’s room. It all started with the daughter’s simple request…
The “Pussyfication” of our children is getting out of hand (3 Photos)
Alright, call me cold and old-fashioned, but I think our society is taking children’s feelings into account just a little too much these days. If you don’t believe me, just read this letter from a school to a child’s parents regarding the boy’s grades…