A sexy girl compilation to get your heart engine revving (Video)

Chivettes are a different breed of sexy (Video)

[kaltura id=1_z9wbt094] I heard y’all wanted to see more Chivettes. Well let’s give them the spotlight in a video compilation then. Don’t worry, this is just a tease with many more sexy Chivette moments to come. Want to be featured? Upload your videos HERE. Check out heathermoni, britterwitters, Chivette1232, rileyanne90210, carb.slut, and Rosquete on iCHIVE

Woman twerks her boobs to Cardi B in sexy dance (Video)

Katie is a Chivette with a sexy talent (Video)

[kaltura id=1_dg0khyba] Check out more from Katie on iCHIVE or on her NEW Instagram @justawildthingg Want to be featured? Send us your sexy talents, drunken fails, or otherwise hilarious videos! We’re upping the stakes in 2018 and we’re awarding $25,000 to the best user-submitted video of the year! Click HERE to submit your own videos!



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