Two girls visit hell when eating reaper pepper (Video)
These girls get bite off a little more than they bargained for when deciding to eat an entire Carolina Reaper. You can see the sheer regret as soon as it hits their tongues.
The ‘how to get laid’ test lab (Video)
When it comes to getting laid, it takes some serious practice. That’s why we augmented Jeff with some awesome new techniques to help him on his journey to the land of milk and honey.
Daredevil rides unicycle atop 840 ft. chimney (Video)
Nopety nope nope nope. Seriously, how crazy do you have to be to pull this kind of stunt?
Grandma stomps the yard in a Denny’s parking lot (Video)
Sometimes you just need to do a little dance in the parking lot at a Denny’s. I mean, we’ve all been there… Right?
Clever seal takes refuge on a boat while being hunted by Orcas (Video)
When you’re being chased by killer whales there’s only one thing to do… get the f*ck away as fast as you can.
Elephant gets a little too close for comfort (Video)
Usually we’re super excited when animals come close enough for us to pet them, but when they could crush you in one step, things get a little nerve-racking.
Kid hits a dinger, dog makes a better play (Video)
Somebody get these two some contracts, because they’re ready for the big leagues.