Get to know Whitney Miller (Video)
Get to know Whitney Miller who was crowned Miss United States in 2012 and has now turned in her crown for a fresh pair of boxing gloves.
Through tragedy, young champion continues to fight (14 Photos)
After The Event, doctors prepared Matthew’s parents for the very real possibility that he would not survive. They kept using words like catastrophic and devastating, but Susan and Tom were only half-listening. They knew Matthew had it in him to fight. For the first 48 hours, they held their breath. When Matthew made it through that hurdle, they set their sights on the next milestone.
And after 8 days, he opened his eyes…
Wasting Food on Jeff (Video)
Chive editor Jeff Solomon has the worst palate on the planet. We brought him some of our favorite foods to try.
What ‘manly’ things do girls do? (Video)
Join us this week on the asking couch as the girls tell us what “manly” things they do.
Dirty minds think alike (40 Photos)
Go ahead and get the bath ready because things are about to get dirty. Enjoy yourself a bit of lowbrow humor. You deserve it.
A man’s heartfelt goodbye letter to his dog will move you to tears (5 Photos)
Be warned…this might be a good time to grab a box of tissues.
A look back at the heroes we’ve helped (15 Photos)
Memorial Day is a time to reflect on how far we’ve come, but more importantly, to remember how we got here. The freedom that we enjoy every day did not always belong to us – we had to fight for it.
Chive Charities is committed to providing financial support to those who defend us. When our veterans have nowhere to turn, they turn to us.