Gorgeous hula girl shows off some moves + more clips you need to see this week (Video)
Grab a beer and let’s watch some internet!
Pizza Bowl dinner for the drunk, broke, and lazy (Video)
[kaltura id=0_ood0ulmz] INGREDIENTS: -Pizza Rolls -Marinara Sauce -String Cheese -Slim Jims -Jalapeños -Nacho Cheese -Crushed Red Pepper Flakes -Grated Parmesan Cheese
Finally, something nice happening on the road (Video)
[kaltura id=0_jro1zah3] Via ViralHog
Thief tries to steal biker’s keys and recives an instant karma beatdown (Video)
[kaltura id=0_82w9wovt] Via ViralHog
The best of Taylor (Video)
[kaltura id=0_r77vwukp]
Just looked up bat-sh*t crazy in the dictionary (Video)
[kaltura id=0_vm45umqb]